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Capturing Partial Input on Forms and Shopping Carts


Incomplete or abandoned forms and shopping carts are common challenges that businesses face. Customers may leave a form or shopping cart partially filled, resulting in lost opportunities for engagement and conversion.


With Surecatch, our CDP provides the ability to capture partial input on forms and shopping carts, allowing businesses to retrieve valuable customer data even if the process is not completed in one session. 


  1. Increased Lead Generation: By capturing partial form submissions, businesses can collect contact information and other relevant data from prospects, expanding their lead generation capabilities.  
  2. Enhanced Remarketing Opportunities: With access to partial input data, businesses can retarget users who abandoned shopping carts or incomplete forms, presenting personalized offers or reminders to encourage completion. 
  3. Deeper Customer Insights: Partial input data provides insights into customer preferences, behavior, and interests, enabling businesses to better understand their audience and tailor marketing strategies accordingly. 
  4. Streamlined Follow-ups: Having partial input data allows businesses to follow up with customers who left forms or shopping carts unfinished, providing assistance or offering incentives to complete the process. 
  5. Improved Conversion Rates: By effectively capturing and leveraging partial input, businesses can increase their conversion rates, turning incomplete interactions into valuable conversions. 


Surecatch seamlessly integrates with your existing data collection systems, capturing and consolidating partial input data into comprehensive customer profiles. Our robust data processing algorithms ensure accurate data synchronization and enrichment. With our user-friendly interface, you can easily track and analyze partial input metrics, gaining valuable insights to optimize your marketing efforts.