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User Identification that Lasts Longer than the Life of a Cookie


Cookies are commonly used to track user activity and provide personalized experiences. However, when a user clears their cookies or uses an incognito browser, the ability to identify and track them is lost, limiting the effectiveness of marketing efforts.


With Surecatch, our CDP offers user identification that extends beyond the life of a cookie. By leveraging fingerprint technology and other advanced tracking methods, we can uniquely identify users even when cookies are cleared, or incognito browsing is used.


  1. Persistent User Profiles: Surecatch ensures that user profiles remain intact, regardless of cookie deletion or incognito browsing. This allows businesses to maintain a continuous understanding of user behavior, preferences, and engagement history. 
  2. Seamless Personalization: By having a persistent identification system, businesses can provide personalized experiences to users consistently, tailoring content, recommendations, and offers based on their historical data. 
  3. Enhanced Cross-Device Tracking: Surecatch’s user identification capabilities enable cross-device tracking, allowing businesses to connect user interactions across multiple devices, providing a holistic view of their journey. 
  4. Improved Campaign Attribution: With persistent user identification, businesses can accurately attribute campaign success and measure marketing efforts’ impact, even when users switch devices or clear their cookies. 
  5. Advanced Behavioral Analytics: The ability to track users beyond cookies enables in-depth behavioral analytics. Businesses can analyze user patterns, identify trends, and uncover actionable insights to optimize marketing strategies. 


Surecatch utilizes advanced fingerprint technology and other tracking mechanisms to create unique user identifiers that remain consistent over time. Our platform seamlessly integrates with existing systems, collecting and organizing user data for comprehensive analysis and personalized marketing campaigns.